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Learning About Tree Services

Hi there. My name is Preston. Welcome to my website about tree services. When a big windstorm rolls through the area, your trees could suffer damage that puts their wellbeing at risk. Losing large branches often causes damage that the tree struggles to recover from in a timely manner. You can help your tree survive by enlisting the help of a skilled arborist. The right treatments and fertilizers give trees the support they need to repair the damage without inhibiting growth. I encourage you to visit my site often to learn more about these support services. Thank you for coming by.


Dealing With Common Forms Of Tree Damage

Just because a tree is damaged, it doesn't mean it has to be removed. Some forms of damages can be managed well enough for the tree to heal and continue growing. Here are some strategies for managing common forms of tree damages:

Construction Damage

Uncontrolled construction can damage a tree in various ways. For example, construction equipment can cut, split or scratch tree trunks and branches. Heavy machinery used near the base of a tree can compact the soil above the root zone so much that the roots can't get the oxygen, water, or nutrients from the soil.

Here are the measures you need to take to reverse construction damage:

  • Prune damaged branches
  • Cleanly cut severed roots to promote fast wound healing and closure
  • Drill a series of small holes around the base of the tree to aerate the roots if the soil is compacted
  • Water the tree regularly

Salt Damage

Salt can get to your trees in different ways. For example, passing cars can blow up salt sprays on leaves, and salty melt-water may be taken up by the roots. You should suspect salt damage if the leaves and shoots start changing colors and dying early.

If the damage isn't too extensive, then you can save the tree by flushing the tree and the soil around it. Do this regularly and ensure the entire tree and its root are is thoroughly soaked each time.

Winter Damage

There are many ways the harsh weather elements of the winter can damage your trees. The damage comes in various forms, such as:

  • Frost cracks – Occur when a sudden temperature drop causes the outer bark of the tree to crack faster than the inner layer.
  • Sunscald – Occurs as dark or reddish brown patches on the barks of trees with thick barks. It happens when the bark of the tree is suddenly exposed to direct sunlight, which burns it.
  • Snow and ice breakage – accumulation of snow and ice on branches can easily break them.

The solution depends on the type of injury/damage. For example, in the case of breakage, trimming or pruning the damaged limbs help. For sunscald, extra attention may help the tree to survive. The extra attention should include regular watering and mulching.

Hopefully, these measures will help save your beloved trees. You can also consult a tree professional from a company like Tree Smart Inc on further ways of reversing tree damages. The professional will also help you analyze whether the tree is too damaged to be saved, in which case you have to remove it.