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Learning About Tree Services

Hi there. My name is Preston. Welcome to my website about tree services. When a big windstorm rolls through the area, your trees could suffer damage that puts their wellbeing at risk. Losing large branches often causes damage that the tree struggles to recover from in a timely manner. You can help your tree survive by enlisting the help of a skilled arborist. The right treatments and fertilizers give trees the support they need to repair the damage without inhibiting growth. I encourage you to visit my site often to learn more about these support services. Thank you for coming by.


Signs Of A Dangerous Tree

A dangerous tree is one that can fall accidentally and cause damage or injuries. Below are some of the classic signs of a dangerous tree that should be removed.

Broken Limbs or Trunk

A broken trunk is a clear sign of weakness because the trunk connects the crown to the roof. The breakage introduces a discontinuity in the vessels that transport water and nutrients from the soil to the rest of the tree. The branches also help the tree maintain its structural integrity; for example, broken branches on one side of the tree can cause the tree to lean or fall during a storm. Thus, consider removing the tree if the main trunk or too many branches are broken.

Holes or Cracks on the Bark

As mentioned above, the main trunk plus all its parts, including the bark, are critical for the health and strength of the tree. Sometimes, however, trees get infected with diseases or pests that attack the trunk and create holes in the bark. Infections and structural damage, for example, due to construction mishaps, can also cause cracks on the bark.

Dead or Falling Leaves and Branches

Tree diseases don't always lead to glaring symptoms such as cracked barks or broken branches. In some cases, the symptoms are a little more subtle, such as falling leaves, discolored leaves, and drying branches, among others. In such cases, it is just a matter of time before the tree dies, especially without adequate intervention.

Leaning Trunk

There are two main reasons a tree can suddenly lean. First, a tree can lean if it is acted upon by strong forces, such as strong winds, that it cannot withstand. Secondly, a tree can suddenly lean if the hold its roots have on the ground is weakened, for example, by an excavator.  A minor lean can be corrected, and the tree saved; however, if the tree is leaning too much and is nearly reaching the ground, you may have no option but to remove the tree.

Root Exposure or Damage

Lastly, damage to and exposure of the roots also mean a tree is weak and can fall at any time. You should consider the roots damaged if they are exposed and rotten or if they have been cut (excavation when digging a trench is a common culprit). Roots that have been exposed by floodwaters also weaken the tree because the roots need to be in the soil to form a firm connection with the ground.

For information about tree removal, reach out to a company like Souliere & Son Tree Specialists.